Global Autonomous Firefighting

The Dragonfly is an aircraft inspired by the thrust vectoring control system in the SpaceX Falcon 9.

The drone has helicopter and airplane flight controls designed to track wildfires around the world, provide communications, and intelligence from the air. One will fly it using a tablet or phone and view live footage while tracking where the fire, firefighters, safety equipment, endangered homes, and civilians are located. It tolerates all weather conditions including wind, fire, and smoke allowing it to be used in any place, at any time. With this new technology, a helicopter can follow closely behind it, dropping water exactly where it is needed.

This allows fire commanders to fight fires more efficiently, avoiding the chances of homes, businesses, cars, etc. being obliterated and causing more pollutants into the air. Most importantly, it saves the lives of families whose homes are in potential danger and fire commanders who put their lives on the line daily. This new technology will help put out fires quicker than anyone has seen before.

There are ways to lessen the effects of these natural disasters, and we strive to achieve that all while saving lives and clearing the air.